
GoneGoogle - the Google Apps savings estimator for GAMLN

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In the middle of the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) series, I thought you would also take interest in a web application Google has created to try and estimate the savings your company (or school) will save by switching to Google Apps under the name GoneGoogle.  The animated screen asks one simple question, your company size .  From there is has a large amount of assumptions built in while it works it's number magic.

Now one thing I must admit is the awesome way it allows you to share at the end.  From a PDF, spreadsheet or poster, all the data is there.  There is also a bunch of web content around it, even asking you to place your icon on the map when you migrate.  I think this would be a great implementation to spread the news for LotusKnows as well showing wins in Lotus and where they are located.  No names are used, so confidentiality is kept.

One downside is when I attempted to adjust some of the settings to run the tool again.  For some strange reason the tool would not allow me to change the unplanned downtime for Lotus Notes to zero.  We just do not have it between general uptime and clustering.  So if they offer 99.95 themselves, why cannot I enter 100%?

You do get an estimated cost savings dollar amount and hours saved.  You can edit average mailbox sizes, number of people on laptops, group document creation and more. The numbers did not mean much to me at the end, as migration costs and man hours are not included.  However, the idea of providing this type of experience makes smaller companies raise an eyebrow and investigate the solution.

Something to consider in marketing.

History of postings on the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) series: