
Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) - part 7

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Part 7 covers roles and ACL rights.  Google automatically assumes and enters a Global administrator setup and assigns it the [SiteAdmin] role.  Global administrators handle the administration database and overall management of all site documents.  Make sure you know who you list in this role.

Site administrators get configured each time you create a new site.  They are allowed to see all sites, but only edit their own plus related user profiles for that site.  In our circumstance, there will be no one outside of Domino admins touching this, so no decision had to be made of who gets additional rights.

The documentation also specifies that the administration database for GAMLN get an automatic ACL creation for -Default- set to Manager.  Not the best choice for any environment.  If you will allow users to work in the database and update their own profile during migration, it must be Author with no roles assigned.  We are not allowing users to do this during the Google Apps Migration and will go with the wonderful No Access choice for Lotus Notes.

The administration database assigns most of the roles for you as you place people in power.  So it makes it simple when you are using a select few people to manage the migration.  There is an owner right but that applies to the person being migrated.

History of postings on the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) series: