
Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) - part 8

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Once we worked our ways through ACL issues, database access and roles, we now enter the actual configuration of the central administration database for the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes, or GAMLN.  

  • In order for the global migration to kick off, the status must be enabled.  We decided to leave it disabled until we explored all the settings so we did not have any surprises.
  • The administration server is important as that is where directory registration and maintenance takes place.  As we discussed in an earlier part, we were dedicating a server for this migration task to make sure we did not affect server load as best we could.
  • Google, and myself, recommend you use the Internet Address field to create the user accounts in Google Apps.  Some sites that are larger may have another field they wish to use. But, it pulls this field from the directory in Domino, so make sure it is populated in each person document the way you want their account to be created.  A mistake here will mess up their account in GAMLN.
  • The Google Domain tab is quite simple asking for the new Google domain being utilized and the email address for the Google domain administrator.  You will also enter the password for the administrator account here.  I suggest clicking the verification button before moving on.

In part 9 we will move on to the Advanced tab of the database before saving the form and then enabling the global migration.  DO not forget to catch up to the series below.  I swear this is better than Lost.

History of postings on the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) series: