
Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) - part 10

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We left off finishing the advanced configuration document for the Google Apps Migration tool for Lotus Notes (GAMLN).  Besides establishing security for the database, we move on to the actual site configuration.  A single site document is required before any user migration occurs.  You may have multiple site documents later, but a first one is necessary to even do testing.  Pick a name for the site that makes sense and walk with me through the rest of the General settings.

  • A timezone for the site is required.  This gets interesting if you have a centrally located server that handles users from all over as our customer does.  Your choice is the location of the server, the location of the company headquarters or where most of the staff is.
  • The site administrators are normally the Domino administrators handling the migration.
  • The system can read your Domino Directory for the mail server field and begin registering users assigned to that Domino server into Google.  We chose to do a batch and not use this option.  The default was off. If a user is not found in Google it skips that user during migration.
  • However, we did leave the next section enabled.  The migration tool is to do a check to make sure the user being migrated has already been established as an account in Google before migration begins in the GAMLN tool.
  • You can also provision user accounts in the Google domain if you enable the next section. In order to provision you must enable it to check accounts in the Google domain.
  • Establishing the migration start and cutoff times are important.  You want good communication and testing before you roll this out to an entire server.  We would always allow the users to continue migration even after the cutoff date.  That always make me laugh across systems.  As we would not take a user after a certain date?
  • The number of feeder databases and and maximum users per database are highly important to the performance of the tool balanced with the time it will take to move the users to the Google domain with the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes tool.  We covered some basic scenarios in earlier posts on how to configure the feeders.  Marie Scott chimed in with some excellent knowledge on this as well. The maximum feeder databases allowed are 10. The agent runs at 30 minute intervals, so the size of the mailfiles will matter greatly in order to get each one done in 30 minutes.

We will move through the other site tabs next.

History of postings on the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) series: