
How Lotus Greenhouse catalog breaks widget downloads from working

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You can also watch the above video in HD on my IdoNotes YouTube channel right here.   A wiki article has been created as well.

After submitting my Lotus Blogger Search Widget successfully to the Lotus Greenhouse Catalog last week (original posting), I was happy to see downloads start.  Then the comments of failure began.  Well after some sleuth work and willing testers, I found the cause and solution which I posted there.  I am more than happy to share those comments and thoughts here as well.  Remember it is not a plug-in, a widget.

In order to successfully download my widget, and future ones successfully, from the Lotus Greenhouse you must do the following crazy steps:

Open your local names.nsf -> Advanced -> Accounts -> entry -> edit -> supply missing credentials -> save and close -> restart Notes -> drag widget again successfully

Basically the widget can only be accessed via a username/password even for the xml file.  So Greenhouse attempts to create a local account.  The local account it creates on the fly can not get your web credentials to the Greenhouse site.  So the error is generated.

Apparently Lotus has known about this for at least 8 months since I found a document addressing it from Feb 2010.  No fix, no solution and a bad way to get it.  I will point users to my blog instead for now.

(Update before this got published)  Lotus has acknowledged this is a Notes regression bug under Spr OAGU88XK87 that worked in Notes 8.5 and broke in 8.5.1 and 8.5.2.  This will make it in 8.5.2 FP1 and 8.5.3 but it is a client fix.  Keep that in mind.

All of this had nothing to do with the widget itself as it only allows you to select text in any Notes document, right click and do a custom search!