
Reading: FewClix lands 16k new seats via GBS as IBM builds some of those features into Notes

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I have been a supporter of using FewClix for some time as a great way to sort and work with my email.  An article in 4-traders titled GBS Announces 16,000+ Seat Enterprise-wide Deployment of FewClix, at Global Management Consulting Firm announces a deployment of FewClix into a large enterprise.

The firm purchased FewClix for deployment to all 16,000+ employees globally. The firm licensed bothFewClix Unity, which is integrated inside the user's Lotus Notes mail box and FewClix Retro Plus, which enables users to perform simultaneous search across multiple archives.

Interestingly, one of the features coming, that has been publicly blogged, is the sorting of email by date ranges.  FewClix does go way beyond that as you can see from their demos and podcasts I have done with them.

I feel I save time when using FewCLix and current blogs say the same with activity streams and the like.  But can you really quantify how much time a user will save? Does sorting all their mail in numerous ways make them more productive?   According to GBS you can easily track the ROI
says Gary MacDonald, CEO, GBS. "For example, even if we estimate very conservatively that FewClix will help this customer with 16,000+ employees save just 2 minutes per employee per day, the organization will save close to 130,000 hours every year, translating into cost savings of approximately $3.2 million a year and an ROI period of just 14 business days!"

I am curious about your thoughts on this.

Podcast interview with FewClix as IdoNotes Episode 75
Then IdoNotes Episode 121 comparing 8.5.4 and FewClix
Image:IdoNotes Episode 75 - Exclusive with FewClix