
IdoNotes Episode 103 - Gurupalooza at Lotusphere 2011 #ls11

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I had the opportunity to again  be part of Gurupalooza.  I have sat on that stage each year since the very first time Rocky Oliver threw it together.  This year Susan Bulloch was the ringmaster, and did an amazing job keeping tens of best practice speakers in order.

If you have missed this session over the years, you get the chance to ask questions of the entire BP speaker track.

You've been basking in the knowledge that has shone down upon you from our tracks of experts all week. You’ve listened to their sessions, “borrowed” their ideas, and have cornered them in the hallways at every opportunity to get that little bit of extra help. But, as always, there are more questions than opportunities for answers. We’re giving you one last chance to pick their brains — and that opportunity is known as GURUpalooza. Bring those final questions, comments, and even a little bit of praise to GURUpalooza and let’s all have one more collaborative "geek fest"before we draw Lotusphere 2011 to a close!

This podcast is brought to you by IdoSphere.  Join in for two days of live web based technical presentations.  Most of the sessions brand new and never seen at the other events.  All recorded and available for playback at your convenience as a registered attendee.

Join in today and register!