
From Virtualization To Cloud: A Worthwhile Journey by Forrester

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Earlier this year Forrester surveyed enterprise IT leaders on their timeline for implementing cloud (public or private) and understanding the difference between their own virtualization internally and things like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that we at Connectria provide.

Currently, only 8% provide a private cloud for their users with that figure expected to climb in 2015 to 26%. I was not surprised to see that 50% of the respondents state they still run everything on dedicated physical hardware and not virtualization.  Sometimes it is cheaper to use a local machine with internal disk that also eat the overhead of the management software.

You have to outline policy based automation, self service portals, resource tracking and more when thinking of deploying cloud services to internal users.  Besides security concerns there is training and internal ownership politics to consider. In all this was a good short read.

Forrester is letting me pass From Virtualization To Cloud: A Worthwhile Journey this out to my readers free.  Grab your copy here or clicking the cover image above.