
LotusphereLive broke a record

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I was shocked myself, but Carl went in and verified that we both were not crazy.  The Domino 8 server running Sametime 8 with the persistent chat rooms had over 1200 people in it for LotusphereLive.  This not only shows the scaling of the room Carl built (and remodified when 8.0 broke it from last years 7.5.x), but also the ability of Sametime.  All was hosted, built and managed by us (Connectria) and will remain up for a bit until we archive it off again for next year.

We debated having persistent chat rooms for each of our sessions, but blogging, pictures, presenting sessions and trying to get to some myself made it slip by.  If you have ideas let us know, but watch to make sure we dont change our minds, like for Gurupalooza or something silly.