
ILUG2008 Opening Session review

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Besides Paul Mooney doing the outstanding comedic warmup, Nick Shellness took over as the first keynote speaker.  As a former CEO at Lotus, he pulled out old slides to show how presentations he did projecting the future turned out.  He was not too far off in some areas surprisingly.

  • Memory - try running Notes today on a few MB
  • Disk capacity - picture 20MB then 200MB by 1988 as disk storage
  • Screen size for attention - from 13" screens to multi flat panels now, it is all attention focus
  • user interface -
  • Knowledge management - organizing 80 GB of data, do things like taxonomy, auto profiling and intelligent search do this for the individual?  No since none has come truly to pass.  Social computing

Alan Lepofsky was next up... he stripped down to a "Luck of the Irish" t-shirt and took off.  His job is a Lotus Evangelist to say what they should be doing, instead of wondering how budgets work.  More moving research products to production instead. He came with prototypes and live/screen captures
  • Twitter was the first topic for 2 minutes.  Alan is an attention seeking ***** he says
  • Due to time he skips the marketing preamble
  • Collaboration went from document centric to people centric to community centric
  • The inbox is now even hard to find info, so what tools do you use?
  • How does Lotus help all of these areas after you find the tools you need (he demo'd my LifeStream map)
  • Lotus is working on surfacing not only the information, but through seamless tools that fit various roles
  • Next topic is social content - create, storage and share
  • He went to some live demos of items that are in research
  • Social bookmarking showing of Dogear inside Lotus Connections
  • Now we head into attention management - importance (important to work on but due when?), urgency (to whom?) and interest.  Is there an interface that exists?

Some key area
  • Collaboration in context is a future with the surfacing Lotus tools to do the work seamlessly
  • Evolution of the creation of content
  • Discovery versus search
  • Attention management, bringing chaos together in buckets of management

Finally questions...
  • Nick S. asks the first question about how the tools being developed previously were only 70-80% successful.  How does that translate in technology to ensure success rate gets increased.  Alan responds that new ways or working are being requested before Lotus is delivering them at this time.  Adoption rate is opposite, tools are coming slower than demand which grows adoption rate as fast as delivery
  • Steve McDonagh asks about mining for information in searches across 26 languages using tags to return results in any language.  How do you generate the meta information to make this work?  he demod Dogear again to show tag growth
  • Henri from BinaryTree brings up social networking and an example from MySpace or SecondLife, this is a huge risk that most don't seem to target.  Alan covers how bringing Connections into the corporate firewall to secure and share the data

Then we close up and head to lunch so they can prep the room for sessions..