
How to piss me off if you are a vendor

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Most know, I rarely get noticeably pissy.  I receive tons of blind ads, press releases and the like in mail, email, tweets or whatever.  But this parcel arrived today (nice big expensive padded one for no reason after you read below), from a name and location unknown to me.

Image:How to piss me off if you are a vendor
Once I opened this, cautiously, I found:

  •  a printout of our corporate webpage with big red circles around two parts
  • a white placard with a note from this guy
  • a product sheet from them behind our webpage
  • his business card
All of this was paper clipped together.  So before I shredded the card and failed to pass it on to anyone here, a little lesson.  This should have been sent right to the product managers attention, even blindly.  You would stand a far better chance with selling BitWeld here if you had some tact in how you sent the cold call over.  It might be the perfect product, have everything imaginable at the best price.  But, it certainly has now been put on hold in my office.  Sending a "personal and confidential" letter to an office with no company name included, is a bit shady to me.  Sure, maybe it's a bad day, or I am taking it out, but for some reason that got under my skin.  Am I alone here?