
ever wanted to check to see if LTPA tokens were being passed?

Then this piece of a technote is something I do all the time to verify LTPA Token availability and functionality

In order to check that LTPA tokens is passing a token, log onto Sametime as an administrator from a browser.  This should take you to the Server Overview.  If it does not, type the following in the Address bar of the browser and then press Enter:     javascript:alert(document.cookie)  (do not type http://).

This should display a message in a dialog box similar to the following, which includes the text lptatoken= somewhere within the message:

Image:ever wanted to check to see if LTPA tokens were being passed?
S(S)o give it a try and see what you get, if you don't see the text string then get back to that drawing board.

Tomorrow where to troubleshoot for more info on this.