
How does your company look at your blogging activity? Thoughts on mine

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We all know how Ed's blog pops up in articles on how IBM either makes no comment or states they do not regulate his content.  He uses common sense and a twist of corporate, let us say awareness, in what he posts.  There was a ZDNet article that just came out with some stats:

A growing number of American chief executives rate blogs high as employee communication tools, though a majority of them remain skeptical about starting their own, a new study shows.

About 59 percent of CEOs surveyed said they find Web logs, or blogs, useful for internal communications, while 47 percent see them as tools for communication with external audiences, according to a study conducted by PRWeek and Burson-Marsteller

So I questioned myself in how my blog is viewed by the forces that be.  Most of my blogging is done in the evening or night with postings set for the next day, unless it is a hot topic.  I know there are some at work that read it occasionally, knowing I never use names of customers or people (unless approved by them in advance).  I regulate the content in my head as I go.  I feel I have done quite well with over two years of blogging, moving to the third with this Lotusphere 2006.  But, I also know I express opinion on the very product we support, manage, host and install.

Apparently the audience approves as the web hits, RSS hits and even searches continue to grow.  Business generated from it continues to grow.  Sometimes surprising even me when I peek at the stats every couple weeks and I see the emails constantly coming in inquiring on capabilities and requests for assistance.  So I march on, continuing what I do and how I do it.  Always looking for new ideas and changes, but keeping the core content the very same that lets it grow.