
A hidden Gmail gem to pass along to use in Notes RSS streams.

Tags :

I picked this up from the following blogger John Resig..

Gmail has a hidden feature: Atom feeds for Labels! The technique is simple:
1.        Setup a filter to catch all email from a specific mailing list.
2.        Apply a label to all of that mail (e.g. 'list').
3.        Access the Atom feed via this URL: (changing 'list' to be the name of the label.

So if you take this and then flip it to Domino, you could create a rule to tag or sort your mail-in databases and then push this out to the feed readers with the RSS capabilities of Domino.  This would solve an alert issue for numerous people that share part in a mail-in database.  Everyone could read the stream based on what category they handle from a single course that is tagged/foldered/categorized properly like you can do already with my blog.  Go to the archives tab above and look at the different pre-categorized feeds you can get form one single database.

Same idea, just move it to other data stores in your Domino architecture.