
ILWWCM question follow-up from the comments

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Declan Lynch posted a good question in response to my posting yesterday.  He asked the following:

I'm currently doing a lot of work on the Domino version of LWWCM. The installation is a lot easier and is the better option if you already have a Domino infrastructure to take advantage of.  In terms of failover and load balancing how does the Java edition fair out ?

That is a fair question to ask actually and the answer can be the same depending on how you are storing the back end content.  Keeping in mind that the actual server itself still relies on Websphere, you must cluster there also to have the same availability that you would expect from Domino.  We won't even consider network issues yet.

I think that this part of the product has not been explored or addressed fully yet by IBM/Lotus.  They do get into caching, but not nearly enough for me to be comfortable with configurations and expectations of caching yet.

So to answer the question in simple terms before my brain wanders, I think they fair exactly the same at this point.  This reminds me of Sametime before Community Clusters were fully understood but yet people were looking to this to scale.