
Remote Server Setup and ports and more ports

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Yes my main PC is about 90% in working order after a rebuild and constant loading of programs to get it back right.  So IM is back, Notes 7 is there and in place and a ton of other necessary software that I found I use a lot.  I also found that I do not use a bunch of things so I am leaving them uninstalled until I find myself looking for them.

A question came today about Remote Server Setup when connecting over a VPN where the standard port for setup of 8585 is being blocked.  TO get it unblocked took more than some time, three turns and clicks of heels.  So I went digging.

In the local Remote Server Setup client you can select the host and port (see screenshot), but the server mode is not well documented.  I actually restricted my search from Google to the Notes.Net site and found a Z/OS document that shows the simple command to do so.

nserver -listen newport

How simple is that?  Quite!  Except we could not find it documented anywhere until this search.  If you know where it is other than that let me know.  Maybe it will sneak out in a technote.