
Something I am exploring with e-learning and RSS

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We host a ton of e-learning for Lotus products here through what was LearningSpace and now into Lotus Workplace and the LMS (still).  To give a quick catch-up before I ramble on, basically when you log into LearningSpace as a student you have a page that covers "My courses".  Well instead of building this over and over, plus all the custom pages that companies want for courses, I decided that embarking at a better automated way was the answer.  So it came to me today as I was in Trillian reading blogs.  Yes Trillian.  I was reading feeds.

Well it hit me, why not have each course as an RSS stream for the synopsis, objectives and syllabus all put into a personal page.  SO as it changes in the course the homepage for the student then gets updated dynamically through RSS.  The teacher no longer has to worry about static information on the pages that the students will see.  This also affects changes to schedules and what will be covered when.  Classroom discussions could be RSS or even portlets in the course itself.

So I am starting this path, anyone already done something like this?