
Something I have been waiting for

Numerous times I had hoped to be able to walk around downtown and actually use wireless connectivity through 802.11b with some consistency. That is without war-driving and looking for hotspots marked on the ground. I am kidding of course. But St Louis has decided that over 40 blocks of the downtown area deserves free 802.11b access. In the address list before we border one of those streets inside the coverage area.

Do you know what "WiFi" is? How about an 802.11b platform? Are you looking for hot spots? Put simply, do you like to check your e-mail or surf the Web outdoors?

Then, beginning this month, the downtown business district is for you.

The city, partnering with a local company, O2Connect, is setting up what could be the nation's largest, free, wireless Internet network. It will cover a 42-square-block area bounded by Broadway, Market Street, Tucker Boulevard and Washington Avenue.

Of course Starbucks has a store or two in this area which means that users won't need to pay for that service anymore.

If anyone needs me I will be on our roof.