
"Gates urges caution on outsourcing"

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Reading Network World the other day, I found this little clip hidden in the corner.

Companies should not outsource their core business functions and staff.......Gates urged IT companies to beware of outsourcing too much to save costs and to keep their key engineering resources and intellectual property at home.

It goes on to say that he is referencing research and development efforts for the most part.  Well duh!  That is the reason we exist here and here.  Because email, IM, e-learning, team collaboration and (you get the idea) is not a core component of any company we host and mange for.  They all have other core competencies.

That is the whole goal and exactly what he wants you to focus on.  He likes the IT consulting if you are not an IT company.  It was just construed in a weird way in that article to make it seem like he was saying do not outsource at all.

Actually it was the opposite.  If you make widgets, make them.  Do not concern yourself with the other areas.