
Certification article feedback

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I receive a lot of newsletters like many of you. Some I enjoy more than others. But I found this quote from a recent InformIT article interesting (there are about 12 sections to the article):

A survey of IT certifications I conducted in mid-2000 counted more than 630 such credentials available (today's number is around 750 as a best guess), across a bewildering array of topics, tools, and technologies. For nearly every conceivable IT job role and for many products or platforms, you can be fairly sure that some related IT certification is likely to exist

They lost their mind

Does anyone find the number mind numbing. How does a company sift through and find the most qualified person balanced with real world knowledge? Can a young teenager start amassing these certifications and walk into any job they want somewhere at the end of college?

Libby has covered pieces of certification questions in her blog, this was just another area where as IT managers and leaders we have to ask ourselves which the best certification for me and how will it apply in the future?