
Workplace 2.0 beta 3 still thriving

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I have noticed a rash of site searches on Workplace 2 and the beta.  I imagine people are looking for updated information on how the install goes.  Well here is some quick points.

  • Just because you get a "Build Successful" in any of the scripts in Step 18, doesn't mean it actually was successful.  You will find you move on to the next manual script and it fails.  When you post this in the private beta forum, the response was, well go back and search for the work "Failed" in the last script.  What??  It said successful, right?  Then why would I search for failed?  Because, well, ummm, just do it.
  • The load time is enormous.  While you think you will set the land speed record for installation when you begin, you come to realize that 20-30 hours is a good thing for installation.  Doubt me?  Go ask Jason of CertFX who did the presentations for Admin2004 a month ago.
  • Make sure you have all the packages available (of the 20 or so required) and keep the sheet handy that shows what *.exe file maps to what package you need.  Without it you get lost easily.
  • Explode all the packages to the same directory for easier installation.  It will try to follow the path while looking for the next package.  That makes life a lot easier.
  • Make sure you configure your LDAP directory successfully before trying to link it together.  Follow the darn requirements for what version of what directory is supported.  Don't come crying when you tried to be sneaky and use another version of the LDAP product and suddenly authentication won't work.
  • Maintain lots of aspirin for the upcoming headaches, mainly generated from staring long hours at the screen and your head pounding on the desk.