
the new month

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       Since it seems I never post anything personal on here, this is one I will share for all of us.  I just spent the weekend watching a lifelong friend (since we were 14) get told that the prostate cancer he fought last year and had beaten, has spread all over, unknown to the doctors.  The outlook?  He was told weeks, maybe a couple months if he is lucky.  I spent the whole weekend either there at the hospital or just thinking about how much the guys I know, all of us in our low 30's in age, laugh at the thought of those exams.  Well this permanently changed my mind.  While he continues to say he will be up and moving shortly in his well tuned and incredible sarcasm (hence a reason we are lifelong friends), you can see the real story in his eyes every times he moves in the hospital bed.  The simple act of moving his leg has turned from the days where he skated like a fiend just a year ago, to now not being able to pull it up to turn on his side.

      So enough of the depressing information.  The blog hosting agreement is still up and people are sending them in.  Look for new blogs shortly!!!!!
You can find the agreement information here