
Started the download of Workplace 2 beta 3

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Let's say there is a lot of components to currently download.  A few GB for a fresh install.  Now I would hope that as the beta ends, the product install is put into cd's in some sort of order. Even if it takes multiple cd's, that is fine.  But downloading random pieces that have weird numbers (package numbers IBM assigns to software) locally is not conducive to a smooth install.  Jason Collier made a good point at Admin2004, that the install takes 20-30 hours for all the base parts.  The actual loading of the Workplace code is short (under a couple hours) in comparison.  If my blog ever gets read by anyone in the big wide IBM world, let's shoot for a set of numbered cd's that you install and it unpacks in order.  Mainly if you plan on enterprises moving into this.  Now I have seen that this beta release is much more feature rich that previously, don't get me wrong there.  I just think a packaging and distribution issue remains.