
Who wants a public source template?

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        A great thread has started, and than ran into numerous areas (and I do mean numerous) on blog templates over here.  I would suggest entertaining reading the long thread if you blog or are interested in the Domino blogging idea.  It is about 60 posts right now.  I believe that an open source template is a great idea but the needs of so many individuals could hamper the speed at which it is delivered and then taken apart and modified anyway.
        I am in a good mood today as I found the entire album from an underground performer I heard while in London.  Amazon had the import available and I got it!!!!  Just sharing a quick personal moment :-)
        One other personal moment, while driving back from the User Group meeting yesterday, we saw a truck pull along-side of us on the highway.  On the side of this massive steel truck was a sign in black letters on a white background.  ONLY BANG ON SIDE OF TRUCK WITH RUBBER HAMMER.  Well if I am driving a steel car, I suppose it isn't wise to get anywhere near what they are carrying :-)

        Server reboots, how often and why?  We consistently see sites that reboot weekly, daily, nightly, odd-dates Tuesdays, whatever.  Sometimes without rhyme or reason.  We have even been asked that on RFP responses.  How often do you reboot the servers.  Our normal answer is never unless there is a patch or software installation for something like backups.  Some say for performance, but unless it has been up a very long time and you actually see memory leaks, where is the gain?  Anyone?

Back later after a meeting...