
Recent Google searches that bothers me

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Recently I have been getting a lot of Google hits for "CertFX hacks".  As many of you know CertFX sells practice testing software for the IBM brand and many other softwares.  I use the product myself, and yes, know the owners of the company from work and outside of it.

I also know that there is a company hiding on the Internet behind a registrar that is using their test questions and reselling them as their own.  So why would I post a way to hack into CertFX to get free practice tests?  Is it really that necessary that your company won't buy the tests for you to get certified?  Is it that important you get certified?  If so, buy the tests.  They run specials all the time, mainly at the conferences.

Sorry it is late after days of working on multiple clients and server issues so if I sound a bit like ranting, well I am :-)

As a side note, no , I will not give out Trillian hack either.  Go buy it for the $25.  It is more than worth it and I pay for it.  Awesome product.