
Lotusphere 2005 updates #2

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Here is the start of the rundown of my days....  and more pictures have been added to the album but need to have comments added and sorted some for timeline reasons!!!

Monday, January 24

I started after the Opening General Session going to ID113 for Lotus Directory Technologies: Planning, Deployment, Best Practices.  This session was quite well attended and gave some excellent information about the future and some good above basic information.  I went to find out more about what people were looking for in Directory Services before my session.

Next on the list was BOF307 for Integrating Workplace, Portal with Lotus LDAP.  I was not really pleased with this BOF for some reason as there was not much interaction.  A weird idea of using LEI to sync directories, which we find out the next day that IBM uses internally.  Much cheaper than the Tivoli Integrator and it works!  Something to look into and test for some of our mail migration and consolidation work.

I jumped in and out of various sessions the rest of the day until the last evening slot.  I hit two more BOF's before heading to the Welcome Reception on the vendor floor.  Then we headed to the Lotus Awards dinner before settling in Kimonos for more sushi, drinks and tons of people singing.

Tuesday, January 24

This was an early morning at 7am with BOF305 for Domino Administration - Meet the Developers.  Normally in previous years this BOF was always filled to capacity and closed.  But it showed as a repeating session so I was shocked (as well as the panel by the look on Art's face) that not many people were there.  I somehow survived through that early morning.

I stopped in the Innovators Panel but for business reasons I instead saw ID201 on the new Lotus Web Conferencing Service.  I will have an entirely separate posting on my thoughts on this offering.  Entirely separate posting.

ID308 ran me to the interoperability of Domino and Workplace because I imagined it would have some concerns on LDAP which I wanted to hear for my session.  I got some info in there.

Now ID505 for Single Sign-On in a Multi-directory World was an excellent session to me.  Great technical info and covered lots of ground for a short time.  A couple topics could have been sessions on there own for the true geeks

Sorry I have to stop here to go to Gurupalooza.  I will add the rest later.