
A prediction for #ls10 and 2010 in regards to exhibitors

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After a flurry of emails, press releases and announcements, I think 2010 will be the year of the useable and functional plug-ins for the Notes clients.  It seems vendors are deploying real value additions for the client.  Couple that with the recent additions that are going open source through OpenNTF and the client will become overly busy with sidebar applications.  Look for some cool ones that I have had the pleasure of seeing being announced over the next week and changes to some existing ones that were only tiny web browser interfaces becoming a real tool that actually integrates with the client itself.

This also leads to another theory in how many apps can the client function with before it becomes bogged down?  The Firefox browser extensions and new Chrome extensions can slowly eat away at resources and cause slowdowns in function.  Not to mention the UI challenges with the sidebar itself.  Mary Beth and I have had some conversations around this and I can't wait to see what they come up with.  Is there  a point where the sidebar could be overgrowing with widget and plus-in icons and become a distrction?