
Let’s move on to disappearing LEAC’s now (Lotus Education)

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After great feedback about how consulting is in the market today, how about some quick focus on actual training.  I visited the Lotus LAEC website to see just how many are left.  I recall when Beacon awards actually had a category for them.  But I have watched the partners providing that service slowly close their doors to training due to lack of attendance and people signing up. Some survived by adding additional software training or services to stay alive.  Those are the ones you still see listed on the website.

So is everyone getting their training from blogs now?  Just reading manuals?  Actually trying hands on?  I can't imagine that everyone is getting educated strictly from forums and blogs.  How come companies aren't sending as many people to training to manage the systems and develop applications for them?  Is it the travel to the LAEC locations, now that there is not as many?  Or simply there is no budget for proper employee training?