
Sametime 8.5 welcomes you to ~10GB of download

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In order to download just about everything you need for a Windows install of Sametime 8.5 you will be grabbing about ~10GB of files.  The main reason is due to the packaging and installers needed to allow you to install across physical machines easily.

I offer a different approach they could have taken.  Instead of including WAS and DB2 in many of the parts (Media, Proxy and Meeting), the package could have been required to be placed and named a specific way accessible to the installer and then point the installer to it.  This would have saved numerous GB of downloads.

Some would say that my proposed ideas would have meant a change to the installer itself.  True, but since I need WAS and DB2 for any core piece, it is already there anyway.  Why am I forced to have it included over and over?  This would also streamline versioning across the packages with a central code repository for deployment.

I am just saying