
WebEx first to offer a true archive for conferences? I think not

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I read this little gem snuck in on the right side of a page on MessagingPipeline.  There are some claims by WebEx in the capabilities of recording meetings.

The content is recorded in a secure format optimized for scalable storage, and customers can use the solution's administrative settings to customize the settings to meet their specific retention polices. The new product is believed to be the first that provides a true archive for web conference content, and puts WebEx at the forefront of solutions that meet the communications needs of financial services companies while addressing their compliance requirements.

I believe Sametime has done this recording for a long time and stores it as rap files that can be archived off, imported into new meetings and even have security changed as you put it out there for broadcast.  So how the heck does WebEx claim to think it is the first?

It is always interesting to see claims from vendors when they know there is another solution that provides the functionality for some time.  I took into consideration they are working off the idea that Sametime is an enterprise type solution, while WebEx is for just about anyone.  Without having to run your own server.

So if we take that a step further, how do they store, and also provide retention for these recorded meetings to meet all the standards?