
My thoughts on the 2 current Sametime Gateway technotes

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I have gotten plenty of emails and pings looking for clarification or thoughts so it is faster to put them out there.

Let's conquer the easy one first, AOL.  In the recent technote #1296449, IBM announces that AOL has finally taken the same approach on the Clearinghouse that they do with the normal public chat  servers, which is to limit your chat rates and also strip filter URL's that point to executables to provide some security.  After talking to AOL yesterday, they have no hard number to give on what rate flow they watch for.  But, if your site runs a Sametime bot accessible via the Gateway that is hit a lot, I would imagine you will see that slow down considerably.  What I didn't understand is:

  •  without any numbers, how can I scale a large user site that is forcing all users through the Gateway now instead of letting them load AOL.?
  • will each user count or the total number of chats through the gateway itself?
  • will presence awareness be affected by this?
  • will a user get blocked for a certain amount of time, or throttled as they do in the public client? (if you want to test this go run AIM and send a ton of chats at once and AOL will warn you that you are being slowed down)
  • will the URL's be replaced with text about the blocked URL or will the sender be notified?
I am sure I will think of some more.

Now for Google.  This is a huge hole on the Google side, no the Sametime Gateway.  let's be clear there.  IBM technote #1295505 and 6.  Basically anyone that you know (company) that has a Sametime Gateway that connects to Google Talk can be temporarily shut off by registering their domain in the small business services.  While Google is working on the way to clean this up, it makes for a weird issue that can't be stopped dead until then.  It is more of a nuisance since you can go in and take back over control if someone attempts this.  But you may troubleshoot in the wrong place.  A quick way to check if a domain is set-up in there is to go to the partnerpages and add the domain name to the end.  If it says not found, you are good to go.  If it attempts to log you in, get to finding out who is trying to mess with you.