1657A - GURUpalooza! (2016)
Multiple Speakers February 3 2016 12:45:00 PM
During this week you've attended outstanding sessions presented by the brightest minds in the IBM Collaboration community. You may have already implemented some of their brilliant tips, tricks, and best practices or you may have engaged them during one of the breaks to extend the conversation further. As IBM Connect 2016 draws to a close, here’s one last opportunity to pose your most technical questions (can be related to Admin, Development, Infrastructure, Social or Cloud topics) to IBM customers and Business Partners who work with IBM technologies every day. All are experts in their field and are ready and willing to provide that last spark of insight -- so don't miss GURUpalooza!, one of the traditional highlights of this conference.
This was filmed and broadcast via Periscope by Phylicia Teymer of IBM.
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