
Part 3 of Sametime 7.5.1 CF1 schtuff

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So here is the big issue.  The documentation indicated you can set a policy for multiple groups of users and then update the users with different settings, plug-ins and pushed updates.  Some of this is quite true.  UNtil we get to site update parts.

I would have sent you here on Notes Net, but apparently the published info for CF1 is not complete.  See line 21 for some humor.

So what happens is that you can set an update site in the default policy, but it then overrides all the new group or explicit policies.  You can not set alternate update sites for different users.  They are grayed out with the provided default site.

Move on to leaving the update site blank and then the sub ones are forced to be blank.  Same scenario as above in reverse.  So in essence you have to provide only 1 update site at this time for your user population.  That doesn't help if you want users to get alternate updates or plug-ins at this time.

I bet it is on the list for the future though..